Grow your brand, fluently.

We cre­ate unfor­get­table brand expe­ri­ences that flu­ent­ly fit people’s lives. 

Insight. Strat­e­gy. Innovation.

Fluent brands are unforgettable.

From first glimpse on-shelf, to the sensory signature that keeps consumers coming back for more, and everything in between; every single element of your brand needs to be telling the same story, or risk confusion or disconnect.

We call building this consistent narrative “Brand Fluency”, and it is the philosophy behind what we do.

Smirnoff raspberry
Tate Lyle flapjack with Background
Gosh Products
Mondelez Logo

Growing fluent brands:

1 Exploration


Curi­ous­ly explor­ing peo­ple, places, cul­tures, codes, emo­tions, needs and expe­ri­ences, uncov­er­ing fresh insight that unlocks growth.

We tai­lor our tools to your spe­cif­ic brand chal­lenge, but our favourites include:

  • — Fore­sights / trends 
  • — Cul­tur­al exploration
  • — Con­sumer discovery 
  • — Semiotics 
  • — Cat­e­go­ry safari 
2 Strategy


Give us your knot­ty prob­lems – we rel­ish solv­ing them! Your part­ner in set­ting the strate­gic direc­tion that will strength­en and grow your brand.

Our pas­sions include:

  • - Brand strategy 
  • - Posi­tion­ing 
  • - Port­fo­lio architecture 
  • - Inno­va­tion strategy 
  • - Work­shops
3 Creation


Lov­ing­ly cre­at­ing every facet of your brand expe­ri­ence to fit with your strat­e­gy; from inno­va­tion, sen­so­ry sig­na­tures, visu­al expres­sion and more.

Our cre­ative tal­ents include:

  • - NPD / inno­va­tion concepts 
  • - Design concepts 
  • - Mes­sag­ing / claims 
  • - Pro­to­typ­ing: pack & product 
  • - Brand iden­ti­ty & con­cept visualisation 
Proud growth partners to your favourite fluent brands:
  • Pepsico logo white
  • Mondelez logo white
  • Nestle logo white
  • Molton coors logo white
  • Mars logo white
  • Mcdonalds logo white
  • Kerry logo white
  • Haleon white logo
  • Diageo logo white
Working as part of a collective

We are a proud part of the MMR Group, the glob­al con­sumer & sen­so­ry research agency. Read more here.

Huxly Global Family Brands
  • Insight Lead, Colgate-Palmolive "Real richness on the products, the consumer needs, and clear direction for where we take this - just as we hoped."
  • Innovation director, Pet Food "This was one of my most memorable, energising weeks in this role! It was a pleasure to work with so many bright minds who are all so passionate about innovation and building the future of our category."
  • Senior Innovation Manager, Diageo "I wanted to say a big thank you for all your hard work & support over the past few months, providing us with such rich insights, which will help shape our decisions going forward."
  • Marketing Director, Beer client "Inspirational and aspirational makes complete sense."
  • Consumer Science Group Leader, Mondelez "It was wonderful, exactly what I wanted. I wouldn't change a thing!"