Brand Fluency

From first glimpse on-shelf, to the sensory signature that keeps consumers coming back for more, and everything in between; every single element of your brand needs to be telling the same story, or risk confusion or disconnect.

We call building this consistent narrative “Brand Fluency”, and it is the philosophy behind what we do.

So, how do you build a fluent brand?

We build fluent brands by exploring five lenses. Each lens is a piece in the puzzle that links people’s lives and desires to the sort of brand experience they will feel rewarded by and remember.

  • Cultural: What is the brand's role in culture? How does it show up and what does it say about you to be seen with it? How does it reflect the cultural values of those it seeks to reach?
  • Semiotic: What is the meaning associated with the way it communicates? What do the visual and verbal codes it uses signify to people? Does that reflect the desired benefit?
  • Emotional: How do people want to feel when they use the brand? Why is that important to them? What emotional transformation do people seek?
  • Functional: What physical job does the brand do for them? When, where and why is this important? How do they believe it will work?
  • Experiential: How is the brand experienced with all the senses? What is the signature of the brand and how does it deliver on the benefit?

Brand fluency v2

Growing fluent brands

1 Exploration


Curi­ous­ly explor­ing peo­ple, places, cul­tures, codes, emo­tions, needs and expe­ri­ences, uncov­er­ing fresh insight that unlocks growth.

We tai­lor our tools to your spe­cif­ic brand chal­lenge, but our favourites include:

  • — Fore­sights / trends 
  • — Cul­tur­al exploration
  • — Con­sumer discovery 
  • — Semiotics 
  • — Cat­e­go­ry safari 
2 Strategy


Give us your knot­ty prob­lems – we rel­ish solv­ing them! Your part­ner in set­ting the strate­gic direc­tion that will strength­en and grow your brand.

Our pas­sions include:

  • - Brand strategy 
  • - Posi­tion­ing 
  • - Port­fo­lio architecture 
  • - Inno­va­tion strategy 
  • - Work­shops
3 Creation


Lov­ing­ly cre­at­ing every facet of your brand expe­ri­ence to fit with your strat­e­gy; from inno­va­tion, sen­so­ry sig­na­tures, visu­al expres­sion and more.

Our cre­ative tal­ents include:

  • - NPD / inno­va­tion concepts 
  • - Design concepts 
  • - Mes­sag­ing / claims 
  • - Pro­to­typ­ing: pack & product 
  • - Brand iden­ti­ty & con­cept visualisation 
Smirnoff raspberry
Tate Lyle flapjack with Background